Doa Penerang Hati dan Memulakan Bacaan

Ya Allah, bukakanlah ke atas kami hikmatMu
dan limpahilah ke atas kami khazanah rahmatMu,
wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
Wahai Tuhanku, tambahkanlah ilmuku dan luaskanlah kefahamanku.
Wahai Tuhanku, lapangkanlah dadaku dan mudahkanlah urusanku

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Motivasi diri

Dear Teacher Nabila...

How good a teacher YOU want to be?

 - Quite good?

 - Good?

 - Very Good?

 - The BEST in your field?

* Jika kita tanam pokok, adakah kita membaja dan menyiram pokok yang sudah subur?

* Sometimes we think we can do it alone, but actually we need an encouragement from the teacher.

* Jaga pelajar ('anak') dengan baik, insyaAllah Allah akan menjaga anak dan keluarga kita.

* If we show full efforts and commitment, students know they have to do the best.

* Make a difference to your school and your students' life!

* Leave a legacy to your school and your students.

* Look for the reason why they fail and solve it!

* You cannot give others what you don't have.

* Always give HOPES to them.

* Earn student's respects by be knowledgeable and prepare your lessons well.

* Hands-on, Minds-on!

* 'Kalau saya boleh ajar anda, tentulah saya seorang yang bijak!'

*Walk like a teacher, talk like a teacher, sleep like a teacher...('',)


Cikgu Fieza said...

Bella, how to sleep like a teacher? LOL.

Noor Nabila Jasni Teoh said...

hahhaa..ko bygkan cmne?aq terbygkan tdo dgn penuh sopan~ hahhaa..hehehe..smbil tersenyum! hehee.. =)