Doa Penerang Hati dan Memulakan Bacaan

Ya Allah, bukakanlah ke atas kami hikmatMu
dan limpahilah ke atas kami khazanah rahmatMu,
wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
Wahai Tuhanku, tambahkanlah ilmuku dan luaskanlah kefahamanku.
Wahai Tuhanku, lapangkanlah dadaku dan mudahkanlah urusanku

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

so far in 2012

dah lama tak share my progress in teaching kan
so here it is...
 'in summary' for the whole teaching process in 2012 (Jan-March)

Revision in class before Ujian 1. Revise 2 chapters (Respiration and Blood Circulation) for 2 periods of time (90 minutes)
Kita kasi pulun! Kalau nak harap 'korang' buat revision sendiri kat rumah memang payah kan.

"Cikgu amik la gambar kitorang jugak!"
*I am their Class Teacher, 3 Curie, I LOVE THEM!!!*

Group work for Pendidikan Moral 3 Edison/Rhazes
Each group have to do a short notes/mind map on one topic
Then hantar, cikgu check, dapat cop sirim (lepas piawai) baru boleh fotostat nota untuk semua orang

We do the class in Biology Lab
*Influence them to fall in love with Biology and take science stream, Form 4 next year*

Love the smilessss :) They are best friends since primary school!

Quite naughty huh!

Obviously we can see who do the job and who is 'parasite' in this group

Cheerful group, 3 of them are 'Disleksia Students' (Slow learner)

 ok, that's all for my science students and moral students

How about my BIO's students?

awal-awal introduction to biology...introduce how Paper 3 in SPM looks like...learn how to draw a graph.
And the product is...what the ####???
hamik ko pangkah besor-besor!

exercise paper...aishhh...xkisah la...
'asalkan kamu reti ghupe plant cell jadilah'

huaaaa...xke meroyan bile tgk gmbr ni?
Disuruh lukis 'mitochondrion'
ini jadinye


u guess what..
this student 
*the same student for the whole BIO pictures*
got the HIGHEST mark in Biology paper for this Ujian 1!!!
thumbs up Daniel!!!
It's ok for you to draw what-so-ever in your head and your own imagination
as long as you got my point
love you! 
*sayang students xpe kan... :)*

tatkala mood rajin masuk ke dalam diri sebelum pukul 1.50 petang

koya la bawak balik byk buku or file untuk disemak
but lastly
and usually
tak usik pun bila dah kat umah....



Ok bye!

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